Game of Roles: Jinggoy rumored to be Chiz Escudero’s second in command; plum posts eyed for Tolentino, Poe

(POLITIKO) As rumors of a leadership coup rock the Senate once again, speculation is also rife on who would get plum posts should Senator Francis Escudero become the new Senate president.

Politiko learned that Escudero has reportedly secured the support of at least 15 senators to declare the position of the Senate presidency vacant, effectively ousting Juan Miguel Zubiri.

An Iskooper said Senator Jinggoy Estrada might be named the new Senate president pro tempore, replacing Senator Loren Legarda.

As of posting time, the post of Senate majority leader occupied by Senator Joel Villanueva is still reportedly a toss up between Senators Francis Tolentino and Aquilino Pimentel III.

Senator Grace Poe, Escudero’s running mate in the 2016 elections, is said to be jockeying for the chairmanship of the Senate finance committee, the panel in charge of deliberating on the proposed national budget.

The Senate finance committee is currently led by Senator Sonny Angara.

Senator Alan Peter Cayetano is reportedly being considered as chairman of either the accounts committee— which handles the Senate’s internal budget— or the high profile Blue Ribbon committee leading investigations related to alleged government anomalies.

Senators eyeing to unseat Zubiri must act fast as this week is the last week of session before they go on a two-month long break.

Out With A Bang! Chiz Escudero Reportedly Poised To Replace Migz Zubiri As Senate President