Co-Sponsorship Remarks on Senate Bill No. 2960 Under Committee Report No. 475 “The Lifelong Learning Development Framework (LLDF) Act”

Mr. President,

This representation authored Senate Bill No. 2072 with the conviction that learning does not cease, it does not end, neither does it count years nor age. Learning does not only happen in schools but everywhere in our everyday lives. Learning is not confined to lessons in classes but conquers practical lessons and life skills. These make lifelong learning essential and worthwhile. I believe that it should be promoted and be made an integral part of the country’s efforts to improve the lives of our people, who are the main drivers of the country’s progress and development.

I would like to commend the Committee on Higher, Technical and Vocational Education for prioritizing this measure. With the permission of the Committee Chairperson, Senator Alan Peter “Compañero” S. Cayetano, and the Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Philippine Qualifications Framework, Senator Joel Villanueva, it will be an honor to be a co-sponsor of Senate Bill No. 2960 under Committee Report No. 475, or “The Lifelong Learning Development Framework (LLDF) Act.”

This bill is a priority measure in the Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028, which recognizes the importance of lifelong learning as “instrumental in developing and protecting the capabilities of families to ensure that all Filipinos are able to realize their full potential to keep pace with the envisioned socioeconomic transformation.”

Through the collaborative efforts of the various government agencies, especially the active role of the local government units, this piece of legislation will ensure the accessibility of literacy education programs and other activities to our people, especially the indigent and marginalized. Also, it will capitalize on the utilization of appropriate technologies that will enhance the learning experience provided by the partners in the government and private sector.

I am excited to see the success stories of our kababayans who will benefit from this laudable measure.

Thank you, Mr. President.