“Keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the Church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own son” – these are the holy words from the Book of Acts, Chapter 20, Verse 28 that His Excellency, most reverend Pablo Virgilio Siongco David, has faithfully fulfilled over the years, and will continue to foster now that he has been appointed by Pope Francis as a Cardinal of the Catholic Church effective December 7, 2024.
The ministry of Cardinal David impressed the Catholic community in wide breadths. From his beginnings in Pampanga when he was ordained as a priest back in 1983, he spread the greatness of the Lord to people of all religious backgrounds, reaching his current mission as the Bishop of Kalookan and serving the country’s community of the faithfuls as the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines or CBCP. His commitment to evangelization led him to assume vice presidency of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences. Now as the tenth Filipino cardinal, Cardinal David will be able to embrace flocks of christ all over world under the tutelage of Pope Francis.
Pronouncing the love and mercy of One Supreme Being through the Holy Scriptures, Cardinal David is one of the renowned Bible scholars. He is also an advocate of human rights and welfare of the poor. On a more practical aspect, he has been very active in various worthwhile activities, including the establishment of community-based drug rehabilitation programs that seek to promote salvation of both the physical and spiritual being of drug users.
The appointment of Cardinal David is a historic one – being the first time that the pope chose a bishop from a diocese instead of a major archdiocese in the country – reflecting the pope’s virtuous intention to build strong connection between Rome and the local churches across the globe, especially those in the “peripheries” who have not seen their own cardinal, or “Prince of the Church” in the past.
With Dardinal David now wearing his symbolic red hat from the pope and joining the sacred college of cardinals, i am certain that he will contribute well in guiding the path of the global catholic community and in supporting the administration of key church matters.
Congratulations, Cardinal David, and through your intercession, may the grace of our Good Lord be upon our country and its leaders.
Thank you, Mr. President.